Top 9 Hidden Gems of Pullman, Washington

In Pullman, Washington, there are many places every visitor should explore. The following is a Top Nine list of Hidden Gems in Pullman, Washington. 

1. Charles R. Conner Museum at Abelson Hall WSU

The Charles R. Conner Museum is the largest public collection of birds of mammals in the Pacific Northwest with 700 mounts, which include taxidermized birds and mammals.  There are three separate wings devoted to these exhibits formerly on display at the Chicago World’s Fair. 

2. Arboretum Perimeter Trail

The Arboretum Perimeter Trail, located across from the WSU Bear Center, is situated just opposite the WSU Bear Center. This gravel trail forms a circular pathway that contains a myriad of side paths which will guide you towards picturesque places. As you traverse this scenic route, you’ll discover each side path revealing its own charm.

3. Klemgard County Park

What you will see at Klemgard County Park is something that will really surprise you, as Klemgard Park, located between Colfax and Pullman, has a trail through the woods to give a great view from the top.  This trail is about a mile long, being halfway uphill, downhill the other way, and it is full of great places to see. 

4. Magpie Forest Trail

If you head to the “Apartment Land” section of Pullman, you will find a fun trail to take you through the woods with views of the wide-open spaces of the Inland Northwest. This is the Magpie Forest Trail, and it is a good place to see the wonderful view from the edge of the city of Pullman.  

5. Conservation Park

Conservation Park is due to a formal agreement with the City of Pullman and the Phoenix Conservancy. Conservation Park is a roughly 13-acre park in a residential area of Pullman, WA, in a space that includes trails, views, and a small amount of native Palouse Prairie plant species.

6. Lawson Gardens

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Lawson Gardens, especially during the peak of floral bloom when the flowers are in their full colorful display. Walk the small trails weaving around the park, offering a delightful journey amidst an array of blossoms. A highlight of the garden experience is the presence of a gazebo set beside a reflective pool, providing a cute cover within the botanical haven. Lawson Gardens invites you to lose yourself in the beauty of its blooming flora.

7. Rose Creek Nature Preserve

Rose Creek Nature Preserve is located a few miles outside of Pullman, very close to the city of Albion.  You will need to take a long gravel road to get to it, but when you do, there are a lot of great trails with terrific views.  

8. Webster Science Hall Museums

If you are on the Washington State University Campus, then you have no doubt noticed the very tall gray building that is easily the tallest building on campus, and in Pullman.  This is Webster Hall, the location of many science-related activities at WSU, and it has three museums on its first floor main entrance. 

Culver Study Memorial Museum at Webster Hall WSU

At the Culver Study Memorial Museum, you are going to see some hands-on science on display.  You will also see more than one hundred specimens of rocks and minerals, not to mention some cool fossilized bones. 

Jacklin Collection of Silicified Wood and Minerals at Webster Hall WSU

The Jacklin Collection is another museum on the first floor of Webster Hall, and this one is full of petrified log sections, bookends, thunder eggs, and dinosaur bones from all over the world. 

S. Elroy McCaw Fluorescent Mineral Display Museum at Webster Hall WSU

This is another museum on the first floor of Webster Hall, and the S. Elroy McCaw Museum is full of 150 mineral specimens that are mounted on a carousel under ultraviolet light so you can see the beauty of its luminescence. 

9. Worthman-Johnson Veterinary Anatomy Teaching Museum at McCoy Hall WSU

Nestled in McCoy Hall at Washington State University, the Robert P. Worthman Veterinary Anatomy Teaching Museum is an “outstanding collection of anatomical specimens preserved by a variety of unique methods”.  What you are going to see at this museum is not for the faint of heart, with a lot of skeletons and animal anatomy on display.  If you’re into this kind of thing, this will be a highlight of your trip.